Hippo Video | Close More Deals With Personalized Sales Videos
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Communicate with Video

Bring the Human Touch at Every Stage of the Sales Cycle

Stay ahead of the game

Record Personalized videos

Record engaging video emails and send them to your prospects/leads via Hippo Video’s Gmail Add-on or Hippo Video’s Chrome extension. Build a warm relationship with your prospects through personalized videos and get the attention you deserve.

Record from your webcam or screen to give sales pitches, sales demos, presentations or educate your prospects.
Customize the thumbnail of the video with the user’s brand logo and change the player color to reflect the brand’s color theme.

Real-time notifications

Track your video

Gain valuable insights into your video with ease through Hippo Video’s real-time analytics. Target your next set of audience based on the video behavior.

Every time your video is being opened or played, get real-time notifications. Respond to your prospects based on these timely notifications.
View the overall report to see the play rate and share rate of your video and send follow-up emails based on the reports.

Book More Meetings

Close More Deals

Prompt your prospects to get the desired action by adding In-video meeting links in your video. Keep your prospects engaged with interactive CTA’s.

Add a Calendar link at the end of the video and make it easier for your prospects to schedule a demo.
Push your prospects to the next step and close more deals effortlessly.

Our Customers Love Using Hippo Video

Our Customers Love Using Hippo Video

Best Video Software for Sales Teams

Build A One-to-One connection with Video Emails


Go from Text to Video in minutes!

Unleash the power of AI Avatars to elevate your content game