These 6 Sales Scenarios Will Work Better With Videos Over Emails
Videos are not only changing the dynamics of b2b business but are now an integral part of the sales ecosystem.
Videos are not only changing the dynamics of b2b business but are now an integral part of the sales ecosystem.
Want to know the secret to creating a mystical bond that'll seal the deal on your top-notch CRM strategy? Videos!
Are you curious to know why sales teams are resistant to using videos as part of their daily routine? Through a series of user interviews, we've uncovered the top 8 video myths that may be holding them back.
Videos are taking over the internet due to their increased engagement rate and ability to personalize the message for each viewer. But when it comes to interactive videos, businesses still seem to be skeptical about them. Some of the common responses that come up are: These are all legitimate questions since the concept of interactive […]
Did you know that your tonality has a massive impact on how persuasive you are in sales?
Today, prospects are present on multiple channels at varying levels. Do you believe that limiting your sales interactions to just one or two channels will still allow your business to grow? Our speakers, Heidi Sopczak Quaschnick (RVP of NA sales, Hippo Video) and Vlad Oleksiienko (Sales Leader, Reply), will show us the finer points of […]
Despite video's enormous potential in sales, there are two types of video users in sales: video aware and video productive. Which one are you?
Consumers these days resort to videos for more than just entertainment. It is the go-to medium for product demos, reviews, tutorials and much more.
Sales professionals don't have to spend hours creating videos from scratch for every prospect. With Hippo Video's comprehensive features, video-savvy SDRs can get the job done in under a minute.
Did you know average office worker gets over 121 emails every day? That brings us to the obvious question- how do you stand out among the hundreds of emails your prospect receives every day? With a video email signature!